Thursday, December 27, 2007

Create Promo Codes On Your Website

One of the best ways to quickly add some sales in the offline world is to have a sale or offer coupons. Businesses have been doing this for as long as anybody can remember.

It's no different online.

If you aren't generating online coupons or promotion codes for your should be.

Sign Me Up Marketing is developing custom software to help you with your promo code efforts. We are looking for early "Beta" tester's of this software.

If you are interested, the details are at:

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sign Me Up Pro For Marketers

The verdict is in...

If you want an all-in-one solution for effective email & internet marketing try our new service:

Sign Me Up PRO

A list of features can be found

It's not simply an email autoresponder script. Yes you can automate your email marketing, but there is much more to it than that.

Sign Me Up Pro totally integrates every aspect you need. Features like a build in affiliate management program (run your own affiliate program), FULLY Integrated Customer Relationship Management, Complete...INTEGRATED...Hands-Free Affiliate System, Manage Multiple Mailing Lists With Follow-up Power, Customer Relationship Management Center (Integrated Help Desk)....and much more.

Just as an overview here is a short list benefits:

* Secure digital product delivery
* Automatic download link expiration
* Customer Relationship Management handles follow-up offers, time-delayed and recurring payments, and other timeline events.
* Advanced Email Management allows you to tailor your messages to key target groups - like "Customers who've spent more than $1,000" or "Customers who haven't purchased in over 90 days".
* Lazer-target Marketing Tools. This advanced feature allows you to tailor your messages to "Subscribers who've opened 10 emails" or "Subscribers who've clicked 5 links". Again, you will not find this feature anywhere else!

The list just goes on and on.

Just take a look at the features page:

Sign Me Up Pro Features

For a full list of features.

Check this one out. If you are spending money on an autoresponder account anywhere else, you owe it to yourself to check out some options.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

75 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Site

Not to divert attention away from this blog....

I just came across a blog that you may find helpful. The owner doesn't even know I'm promoting his blog. I just saw the post and knew that it had a lot of solid info and that you may find interesting.

There is nothing for sale but it contains information that many marketers and consultants charge for.

Here's the link:

75 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Site


Jason Anderson

P.S. If you like my blog posts please sign up to the right to receive notifications of new posts. Every new post I make will go straight to your email.

How To Create Fear Of Loss To Increase Sales

How much would your business benefit if you had a whopping 74.4% Opt-In Rate on your squeeze page or even your sales page?

That's a big claim isn't it?

Here's a link to a webcast replay that you can listen to for free.

Click Here.

To see the actual opt-in page..

Click Here.

This is a special treat that I know you will enjoy.

Monday, October 29, 2007

I'll Promote Your Product

Have a product you need to promote?

Is it related to opt-in marketing?

We're always looking for new products to recommend to our clients. I've incorporated a Product Review page on the main Sign Me Up Marketing site.

Your software, info product, or membership must be of the highest quality for us to promote it. We have 2 products showcased on the site right now.

Click HERE

To submit a product to be showcased, please use the contact form at

Sunday, October 28, 2007

SEO Consulting Trial. $2.95

When it comes to driving traffic to your website, you can't beat laser targeted search engine traffic.

Search Engine traffic is targeted because the visitor is actively searching for what you have to offer. However, getting a top ranking on Google, Yahoo, MSN, or other popular search engines isn't easy.

Click here to see how to get your website at the top of the search engines.

You'll learn that it's not good enough to get a top need to MAINTAIN that rating...month after month after month. If you don't keep up with the latest SEO techniques, all your hard work of creating a top listing may slip away in just a matter of days.

Click here for a review of how to get to the top and stay at the top of the most popular search engines.

Sign Me Up Marketing is designed to keep you abreast of all the tools you need to get people to sign up for your VIP marketing list. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the best ways to continually get people to your sign up you more subscribers and ultimately more business in the future.

Here's the link again:

Thursday, October 25, 2007

8 Ways PLR Can Help Your Business

One popular way to quickly obtain relevant information for your blog, email, or marketing messages is to obtain PLR (Private Label Rights) products.

Here's a video which outlines 8 ways PLR can help your business.

Now, here's a link where you can get PLR products for free.

Currently, this membership is free but it will soon be charging $197 so I recommend that you get this membership package right now.

Click Here For Free PLR content


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How To Update Your Blog Via The Telephone

How would you like to send your next blog entry via your telephone without typing a single word? Well that's exactly what I'm doing right now. I just found a cool new service it's called jott and it can be found at . Hope you enjoy this post and maybe you can use it for your blog as well. Thanks for being a subscriber.
Click here to listen

Powered by Jott

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Do you need a coach?

How do you find the motivation every day to accomplish your goals? What are you really working for? If you own your own business, whether it's a small family restaurant, an automobile dealership, or anything in between...what are you doing on a daily basis to make it better than yesterday?

Running your own business means that you are in charge. It means that you make the decisions and you are responsible for getting things done. You ARE the rain maker. You may not "do" everything yourself but you are ultimately responsible for the end result.

You may have a secretary. You may have a sales staff. You may even have partners, but do you really have someone that you are accountable to for the success of your business? Other than your family, who do you answer to?

If the answer is "no one", your business is suffering. You may not know it but it is.

You need a coach.

You need someone to push you a little further than you think you can go. You need someone who can point you in directions that you fail to recognize or give you guidance to untapped resources.

I'm not talking about working harder and putting in more hours. I'm talking about what you focus on each day, how you delegate, and where your mind is at on a daily basis.

A coach can help you stay on track and on target.

Even $30,000,000 NFL quarterbacks have a coach.

Think about that for a moment.

Can a $30,000,000 quarterback take a team and win a game without the head coach? Yes...I think so. They are experienced. They know the game. They know the fundamentals. They are in tune with their team mates and they know all the plays.

Essentially, the quarterback knows what he is doing.

So why does he have a coach if he can win football games without one?

Why would a $30,000,000 quarterback need any more coaching? I mean, he's already got the knowledge and the experience. Right?

Post your comments and let me know why you think having a coach is critical for success. In a few days, I'll let you in on the real reason you need a coach...even if you are an expert at what you do.

Make sure you don't miss out on this ongoing discussion. Subscribe to this blog above in the upper right hand corner. Each time I make a new post, you will be notified by email.

Let's hear what you have to say...

Why would you need a coach? If you had one, how would you utilize that coach? What would you expect from a business coach?

My next post will discuss "how" coaching can help your business. Keep in mind that a coach doesn't necessarily need to cost you or your money...


Well, I'll talk about that in my next post. Subscribe above so you don't miss any posts! In the mean time, please leave your comments. I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Inspiration For Your Business

If you're feeling beat up, sluggish, or simply unmotivated...

Come back and watch this video. Apply this kind of heart to your business EVERY day!!

Just wanted to share this with you. After you watch it, please leave your comments below.

Cool "Graphics" Trick To Keep Visitors On Your Site

I'm an active contributor on the popular Internet Marketing Forum, The Warrior Forum.

If you want to see how display graphics, other websites, or PDF's in a unique way that keeps your visitors on your site, you may want to check the post I made at the Warrior Forum.

Here's the link:

Nothing is for sale there. Just some good solid information. Hope you like it.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Custom Content and Article Creation for your website, blogs, and automated sequential email messages

Ok, so you've got a basic website, blog, or landing page to start collecting names and email addresses...Now what?

How are you providing fresh content to your new & established subscriber base to keep them coming back to spend money with YOU?

(If you don't have any web presence at all...stop reading and click here now.)

Sign Me Up Marketing, has a professional writing team that will create custom content for you on the fly. When you need quality work, don't accept substandard generic templates or stale, over used, pre-written Private Label Content.

All our work is 100% custom & unique for your product/services.

We provide the content that you need to keep your subscribers subscribed and happy. Happy subscribers = Happy Customers = $$Increased Profits!

Learn more at:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

6 Months Free Consulting?

Yes, it's true.

All the details are at:


Well, let's be a little transparent here...

We need clients for case studies and testimonials. It's my firm belief that you've got to give before you can receive.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How to increase your "opt-in" rate.

Want more people to sign up to your marketing list?

Sure you do. Who doesn't?

Many business owners don't optimize their websites to encourage more people to sign up for their marketing list. They may have a "sign up" page or an opt-in form on their site but...

People simply aren't subscribing.


How do you entice people to sign up?

Well, that's exactly what you need to examine. What are you offering in exchange for the name and email address? In order to receive, you must first GIVE!! You've got to give them something of true value.

Are you offering a "free subscription" to your newsletter? BORING. Everybody offers that.
Are you offering a "free report"? Better...but still BORING.
Are you offering "coupons" to be sent directly to their email? Good...but still not very effective.

What are you doing different to make it a complete "NO BRAINER" for your visitors to sign up to your list.

The only way to do this is to give your visitor what they are looking for. They came to your site for a reason. What was that reason? Do you even know? How did they end up on your website anyway? If they are on your site, it is for a reason. It's not accidental.

They either did a search and your results came up or you drove them there through some type of marketing campaign. Better yet, your visitor landed on your website because of word of mouth or some other type of "viral" marketing. The point is, they are on your website for a reason and it's your responsibility to capture that visitor and turn them into a customer.

That's the big challenge.

However, here's the good news...

Your visitors will tell you exactly what they want if you just give them the chance. Once they tell you what they want, it's easy to sell to them.

It's likely that you are not giving your visitors compelling reasons to give up their information. Most people are reluctant to join another mailing list if they feel that they are joining another marketing list.

Here's a fact. People DO want to hear from you...if you are giving relevant information. They want to be informed, they want discounts, they want to feel special, they want that VIP treatment. However, they don't want to be "SOLD" to. That is the number one reason people balk at giving you their info. They are afraid of getting useless email that won't benefit them.

Most consumers (erroneously) think of these email messages as SPAM. Even though it's technically not SPAM if they signed up to receive information from you, you need to eliminate the perception that you will be sending them this "SPAM".

It's time to give them something unique to the niche that you are in

Nobody likes to be "marketed" to.

And that, my friend, is the main reason you are NOT getting as many subscribers as you would like. It's all in the perception of your visitor.

One of the easiest ways to make sure you are offering something compelling enough to get someone to "sign up" is to evaluate the page that your visitor is on. In other words, it's not enough just to make sure there is an opt-in form on ALL your pages for "free coupons" or a "free newsletter". Sure, you need an opt-in form on all your pages but it MUST be relevant to the information on your page...not just a generic newsletter sign up, coupon offer, or free report.

So, say you own an automotive dealership, for example. It isn't that effective to offer a "free newsletter" on your inventory page. If someone is on your site looking at vehicles online, they aren't looking for a free newsletter...they are looking for vehicles.

So what could you offer them?

Well, in this example, you could offer a used car buyers guide with a compelling title like "Top 10 Car Buying Secrets Revealed" or "Avoid Lemon Cars"...or a variety of many different reports that your visitor may be concerned about when shopping for a vehicle.

Yes, you could offer a coupon here ($1500 off your next purchase) or something like that but remember, that's not relationship building...

Plus, by doing this, you still are not relieving that perception of "SPAM" from that prospect when you send them follow-up messages in the future. They just wanted the coupon. Additionally, they probably won't sign up for the "coupon" if they aren't ready to buy or see any vehicles they're interested in while on your site.

By offering them something of value (not just a coupon), you are opening yourself to continue to give them information. As you continue to send them valuable content and information, your messages are peppered with links calling them to take action and do business with you...that's what it's all about.

Later, we'll talk about why you need to create multiple lists...for the same subscribers that you currently have.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Please visit Sign Me Up Marketing to see what we can do to help grow your business.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

We're Interviewing Graphic Designers To Join Our Team


We're really gaining momentum now.

Over the past month, we've been creating strategic alliances with many different internet professionals who are interested in helping us launch and grow our business. It's been a full time job just interviewing different folks, chatting on Skype & Yahoo Messenger, exchanging emails, talking on the phone, etc.

We've pushed back our official launch several times just to develop the relationships we've been so fortunate establish with our new-found partners. We've even pushed back the development of our own website. Geeze!!

But it's been worth every moment.

We've been talking with:
  • Copywriters
  • Graphic Designers
  • Ghost Writers
  • Webmasters
These new partners have given us so much more depth in the way that we will be able to provide services to back up our consulting to our future clients. I've been simply amazed at who is jumping on board with us....even with our website still in shambles, incomplete, and ugly! ;)

I've even had several people go to a portion of our site that says "Coming Soon" and say "Hey, I can help with that". It's simply been amazing to me.

I guess they see what we are putting together and recognize that it's a good concept...soon to be a reality. I've really been humbled by the support I've received as I've been putting this together.

With some of the contacts I've made, you would never guess that these people would actually consider "freelancing"...they are already successful. We've been talking to several well known industry experts (in their field) who see the value of what we're putting together. Maybe they truly understand the big picture and where I'm headed with this company. Who knows?

As a result of these conversations that we've had with our new partners, the shape and direction that Sign Me Up Marketing is going has completely changed for the better.

I'm really excited about the relationships we've established thus far.

There really isn't much that we WON'T be able to provide to our "brick & mortar" businesses as far as internet marketing is concerned.

With that being said...

I'd really like to talk with several more Graphic Designers who would enjoy steady work within the next 60 days.


Just go to

Thanks everybody. You know who you are!

Jason Anderson

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Work With Us As An Account Executive

Do you posses organizational skills?

Do you work well with little supervision?

We are in need of Account Executives that wish to work from home as an independent contractor for Sign Me Up Marketing.

Your duties will include project management, delegation, and working with individual businesses on a one-on-one basis.

You must have experience in internet marketing or have a background in project management. You must own your own computer, have high speed internet access, a phone, and be available during the hours of 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST (GMT -5) Monday through Friday.

We'll be officially releasing a job description in the next few days.

If you are interested in this position, please visit:

We are looking for freelance writers

Sign Me Up Marketing is always on the lookout for experienced writers for our "Custom Content" product.

If you are interested in writing, creating autoresponder series emails, blog posts, and other writing assignments, please visit:

You must be prepared to provide references, a resume, and possibly even submit a test project for our review to be considered for this position. We only accept highly qualified candidates.

If you have no resume, we can still consider you as a writer if you submit sample work that you have done in the past or create a sample assignment for our consideration.


Our writers can earn anywhere from $25-$1000 per assignment depending on the project.

To see they type of writing assignments that may be assigned to you, please visit our product description page at

Only serious inquiries please. Any request without a resume attached will be ignored.

Membership site for Sign Me Up Marketing

We will be launching a free membership site in the next few weeks.

To be notified when this will be launched, click here to sign up for updates.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

What to do once someone signs up for your email list

Getting people to sign up for your email marketing list is only the beginning.

What do you do with that list once you start getting subscribers?

Once you join the free Sign Me Up Marketing Membership Site, we will show you what to do with your list. We'll be offering the following services (to name just a few):

Content & Article Writing Services
Custom, Unique, Sequential Auto-Response Messages written specifically for your business or industry to send to your subscribers.
Product Research to expand what you can offer to your list
Custom Blog Development
Managed Pay Per Click Marketing to drive interested traffic to your sites
Custom Landing Page Creation
and more...and more.

Go to to get the full details

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sign Me Up Marketing

Our website is located at: